From: “Dr. Zeus” <>
Message Hash: da805b2122d8cf705ead20af4a3f656701960d9d0643b11f2735f13297e0e09f
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1997-10-15 11:43:06 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 19:43:06 +0800
From: "Dr. Zeus" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 19:43:06 +0800
Subject: Re: Statists trying to outlaw anonymity and privacy
In-Reply-To: <>
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> As many of you no doubt know, a new moderated group,
>, has been proposed. One of the main goals
> of moderators is to prevent users of one-way anonymous
> remailers and those who munge (alter) their addresses
> to avoid being spammed, from posting to the group.
> Their proposal would force users to reveal their Internet
> identities and expose them to spam.
> The proponents hope, apparently, that the more spam people
> get, the more will they support CAUCE's statist lobbying for
> more government regulations.
> During the discussion they have shown complete disregard and
> ignored all requests from users who attempted to help them
> accommodate anonymous posting. To get more YES votes, they
> removed the most controversial provisions from the charter,
> while IN THE SAME DAY promising that these provisions will
> still be enforced.
> As someone who defends privacy and anonymity on the Internet,
> I ask you to vote on this important matter. I will vote NO
> on this newsgroup.
> Feel free to repost this message to any fora you deem appropriate.
> To find the Call For Votes, go to news.groups newsgroup, and find
> article titled "CFV: moderated". You will find the
> charter and the instructions on how to vote.
> Thank you for your attention.
> - Igor.
I say we bomb the shit out of the newsgroup if it gets formed.
We need a new newsgroup flooding and blasting.
Those basdtards like CAUCE who try to censor make it very
legal to take the gloves off and just wipe them out with
mailbombing and SYN and ping attacks!!!
KILL CAUCE!!! They are all mostly Pedophiles!
-Dr. Zeus
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