From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Message Hash: f2ce5579b2ccf40e6a6769c5abfad46024a54bb3ae1c0c186dde6318f46149d3
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UTC Datetime: 1997-10-02 04:19:09 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 12:19:09 +0800
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 12:19:09 +0800
Subject: Re: Request for illegal electronic surveillance examples and cases
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Content-Type: text/plain
Declan writes:
>So I'm putting together a special report featuring examples of illegal
>wiretapping by governments -- to show why we shouldn't trust them with
>mandatory domestic key escrow. Also illegal electronic surveillance,
>generally speaking. Especially more recent ones. Maybe non-U.S. examples
>Any suggestions? I'm thinking things like: MLKjr, Mrs. Roosevelt, _Irvine_,
>_Socialist Workers Party_, Dewey-FBI alliance, mail opening, Emma Goldman,
>Brownell's blanket microphone surveillance, _Katz_, _Alderman_, CISPES.
I'd figure pretty much anything from Bamford's _The Puzzle Palace_ would
work, but the stuff on Operation Shamrock (interception of cable traffic)
might be of particular interest. Also the parts about "intelligence sharing"
with the Brits and Australians -- just because the NSA can't tap it doesn't
mean they can't get it from our "friends." No doubt the Men From Fort Meade
have been as helpful in the other direction as well.
A particularly nice detail about Shamrock is that the FBI was using the NSA
to conduct warrantless electronic surveillance of "un-American" groups by
using ELINT, which was -- of course -- "born classified."
I'd cite details, but my Bamford seems to be MIA. Maybe the MIB came for
it. . .
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