1997-10-16 - Re: CFV: comp.org.cauce moderated – support privacy and anonymity

Header Data

From: Psycho Killer <pk@dev.null>
To: Igor Chudov <ichudov@Algebra.COM>
Message Hash: fc80c44c89dc8ebcd4378110e20e94f7269eaef0a03c18c99fdbe660b6c855c9
Message ID: <3446704A.F93@dev.null>
Reply To: <872169177.17960@isc.org>
UTC Datetime: 1997-10-16 19:59:49 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 03:59:49 +0800

Raw message

From: Psycho Killer <pk@dev.null>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 03:59:49 +0800
To: Igor Chudov <ichudov@Algebra.COM>
Subject: Re: CFV: comp.org.cauce moderated -- support privacy and anonymity
In-Reply-To: <872169177.17960@isc.org>
Message-ID: <3446704A.F93@dev.null>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> [This message has also been posted.]
> [I am objecting to a proposal that seeks to ban one-way anonymous
> remailers and other forms of unrepliable addresses such as spamblocked
> addresses].
> Mozena>>But, what do you have against anonymity?
> Mozena>
> Mozena>Nothing. What right do you have, though, to force me and others to
> Mozena>inconvenience ourselves so you can post anonymously or protect yourself
> Mozena>from spam?

  I agree with Mozena. I like to hunt down and slaughter people who
use the word 'reference' in their posts, and I'm getting damn tired
of wasting my valuable time because some assholes want to remain

> The average American spends a total of six (6) months in prison.

  I always knew I was above average, and now I have *proof*.

Psycho Killer
"Qu'est que c'est?"
