1997-11-19 - PGP 5.5 Freeware

Header Data

From: Robert Hettinga <rah@shipwright.com>
To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
Message Hash: 1878085d15052f17dc3c97476c5e2f0db3deafd985b19543177b3d7fba0ea295
Message ID: <v04002706b098d7eac1bc@[]>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1997-11-19 18:42:02 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 02:42:02 +0800

Raw message

From: Robert Hettinga <rah@shipwright.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 02:42:02 +0800
To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
Subject: PGP 5.5 Freeware
Message-ID: <v04002706b098d7eac1bc@[]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

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X-Sender: wprice@mail.pgp.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 07:42:57 -0800
To: thomassr@erols.com
From: Will Price <wprice@pgp.com>
Subject: PGP 5.5 Freeware
Cc: mac-crypto@vmeng.com
Sender: <mac-crypto@vmeng.com>
Precedence: Bulk

Yes, a freeware version of 5.5 for Mac and Win32 will be available later
today from the PGP, Inc. website.  Since Linux 5.5 isn't ready yet, we're
distributing source for diffs between PGP 5.0i b8 up to the final 5.0 UNIX
release.  Meanwhile, all the source to the Win32 and Mac versions of 5.5.2
is about to go to press.

The version number of the freeware going up today is 5.5.2 as we've had a
couple free updates since the main release of 5.5 Business Security.  The
freeware version contains information on exactly what the differences are
between the Freeware, Personal Privacy, and Business Security editions of
the product.


At 2:48 AM -0800 11/19/97, Tom Vier wrote:
>> PGP 5.5 is available now, is fully compatible with MacOS 8.X, and has
>> orders of magnitude more features and speed than FileCrypt.
>is there going to be a freeware version? what about source for
>linux systems?

Will Price, Architect/Sr. Mgr.
Pretty Good Privacy, Inc.
555 Twin Dolphin Dr, Ste.570
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Direct (650)596-1956
Main   (650)572-0430
Fax    (650)631-1033
Pager  (310)247-6595
Internet Text Paging: <mailto:1333485@roam.pagemart.net>

PGPkey: <http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5797A80B>

--- end forwarded text

Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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