From: Antonomasia <>
Message Hash: 3d8547665c8d017c755312fb19ed9d2ad2c90736a3e75dfc3e31d07d48dd65f4
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1997-12-23 00:04:18 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 08:04:18 +0800
From: Antonomasia <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 08:04:18 +0800
Subject: Re: Coercive Monopolism vs Wimpyness
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I thought it was time someone totally unbiased commented
on this OS war thing!
Blanc writes:
>And, since Windows OS is so pitifully lousy, why do people continue to buy
>it, even without the computer attached; why do they continue to upgrade,
>even if it's so slow and bloated? Don't they realize Unix is better?
>Don't they realize they're just making Billg richer?
We buy computers ordered with blank disks in preference. In fact this
one came with DOS and I wiped it on day 1.
> Want to parse MS Turd documents? Windows 95 and MS Office.
Red Hat's Applixware has had good reviews. Besides I'm happy to return
unreadable messages asking for a different format. If the other guy
refuses try him with DVI or something. It's different if you're being
paid to use Windoze. I'll admit it - I did some Lose95 work today: what
was it ? Trying to get a modem link to stay up. I've done more creative
things, but not usually under Windoze.
> Want to run that program your mother sends you and wants you to run?
Quote her the exec format error you got. Ha ha ha.
> Happened to buy a printer? It won't say "Yes! It works with Ghostscript!"
But you should soon find out from other people.
From: "Brian B. Riley" <>
> Windows (who stole its interface from mac who stole it from xerox)
> type GUIs are easier to use than CLIs, it is only since the
> entrenchment of GUIs that they have come forth in the Unix/Linux
> world.
GUI interfaces are only easy for the few things they present
you with, after which they are imnpossible. Unless you can
connect your "find" and "sed" icons in a pipeline ...
In fact I rarely even start X unless it's for the xboard chess game.
speaking of which ...
Is Unix dying--or even dead?
From: "S. M. Halloran" <>
From Edupage, 18 December 1997:
Silicon Graphics Inc.'s plan to allow SGI graphics software to run on
Microsoft's Windows NT operating system provides new evidence that a
growing number of companies are giving up on Unix and instead
standardizing on Windows NT. SGI hopes to be able to use its
experience in developing high-end graphics software without having to
spend a great deal of time building the underlying technology
represented by an operating system. (Washington Post 17 Dec 97)
But SGI never did put any effort into it, which was why their network
programs were built on 'rcp' and needed fixing if you (horrors) set a password.
> turnkey "office suite" and try to give MS a run for its money. There
> is no time like now to get the X-Windows (or GUI-free-from-copyright)
> Complete Office bundled together and have a media gathering to make
> sure that all the important news organizations are informed. You
> should get decent press exposure, since MS-bashing seems to be in
> vogue. The Linux or FreeBSD people should select a mediagenic
> spokesperson from the group--one with fire in the belly--and then do
> the hard work of putting something together that a 25-year old
> free-Unix developer's 72-year old grandmother can install to a x86
> box. In fact, your press conference would have real pinache if, in
> fact, you put someone's 72-year old grandmother before a PC with an
> empty disk drive, run the install, then type a short letter on the
> fancy word processer, addressed to Bill G., with the message "Up
> yours!"
I can think of someone possibly suitable for this last bit.
(R. what do you think ?)
From: SL Baur <>
> Unix *is* far better and had the technology decades ago.
> Where can I get a laptop without a pre-installed O/S (or with Linux
> pre-installed) on it?
Try these people. I'm not sure about laptops.
: VA Research Linux Workstations | The World's Best Linux Workstations
: | Featuring RedHat
: | Now offering VarStation II Systems
# Antonomasia #
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1997-12-23 (Tue, 23 Dec 1997 08:04:18 +0800) - Re: Coercive Monopolism vs Wimpyness - Antonomasia <>