From: CypherPunks Chief SpokesPerson <ccs@dev.null>
To: Declan McCullagh <>
Message Hash: 62f86958ebb8c51ccc18b2b22f430b5a600296761312d393d71d58c76fe46bcd
Message ID: <34826267.3767@dev.null>
Reply To: <v03007806b0a7f42e9fab@[]>
UTC Datetime: 1997-12-01 07:24:59 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 15:24:59 +0800
From: CypherPunks Chief SpokesPerson <ccs@dev.null>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 15:24:59 +0800
To: Declan McCullagh <>
Subject: Re: "Faulty Filters" report; anti-rating free speech alliance
In-Reply-To: <v03007806b0a7f42e9fab@[]>
Message-ID: <34826267.3767@dev.null>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Declan McCullagh wrote:
> EPIC today released a report that finds that "family-friendly" search
> engines typically block access to 99 percent of the material on the
> Internet that would be appropriate for young people.
This is no more of a surprise than the results of studies which show
that inbreeding among those in cloistered geographical areas severely
limits the genetic diversity of the enclosed population.
"Family-friendly" inevitably boils down to being a dishonestly used
simile for "ignorant christian-values."
Despite the fact that 'family-unfriendly Jesus' spoke of his aim of
setting family members against one another, the followers of his
mainstream religious cult are determined to institute their own
religious values in the legal system, by working toward forcing their
own religously-oriented filtering system on all citizens.
Tell me, please, who among the organizations claiming to work for
freedom of speech are ready to demand that the words of Jesus be
subject to the same filtering as those of Aleister Crowley?
Who is going to demand that the works such as the Bible be subject
to the same filtering values as the works of Lenny Bruce?
> The text of the "Faulty Filters" Report is available at:
The filters are not "faulty." They do exactly what they are meant
to do--imprison the minds and life-experience of those who are forced
to use them.
Those promoting volumandatory content ratings want to imprison
everyone, not just their own children. I't the same old lying
religious fascists up to their same old oppression of those
who breed outside their own genetic family.
Fuck 'em.
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