1997-12-19 - Re:

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From: dlv@bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: f70f3b660e8398fd98bb7bb92fa7f9ea0a7929dec8923d9187c6158db93d6129
Message ID: <6a0XHe12w165w@bwalk.dm.com>
Reply To: <199712182152.QAA04664@users.invweb.net>
UTC Datetime: 1997-12-19 12:28:13 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 20:28:13 +0800

Raw message

From: dlv@bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 20:28:13 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re:
In-Reply-To: <199712182152.QAA04664@users.invweb.net>
Message-ID: <6a0XHe12w165w@bwalk.dm.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@invweb.net> writes:

> In <0sqwHe3w165w@bwalk.dm.com>, on 12/18/97
>    at 07:20 AM, dlv@bwalk.dm.com (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) said:
> >"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@invweb.net> writes:
> >>
> >> In <Sl1u95tNr9A0n4yGHAxIPQ==@bureau42.ml.org>, on 12/18/97
> >>    at 05:36 AM, bureau42 Anonymous Remailer <nobody@bureau42.ml.org> said:
> >>
> >> >When is Klintonkov running again? Why not?! He doesn't pay any attention
> >> >to the other amendments!
> >>
> >> Oh I am sure the rat bastard would like nothing more than to be another
> >> Franklin "Dictator for Life" Roosevlet. He has already show that he is
> >> just as much a socialist and has the same disrespect for the Constitution.
> >Bill, while I intensely dislike FDR's politics, he was nowhere near the
> >kind of crook and murderer that Slick Willy is.
> >FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court - this ain't nice, but it's just
> >politics. What did he do that could compare to peddling plots on the
> >Arlington nat'l Cematary to political contributors (that later get dig up
> >and reburied :-) or to Waco?
> While I despise the current thieving murders in power (ALL 3 Branches),
> they look like ametures when compared to the criminals in power during the
> FDR dictatorship.

The criminals currently in Wash DC are less discrete about their abuses.
They also have no style. FDR fucked around on Eleanore a lot, but can you
vizualize FDR having his minions fetch a secretary to his office; pulling
down his pants and ordering her to suck him off; and firing her for refusing?

> FDR did much more damage to the Constitution than most realize: price
> controls, TVA, rations, socialist policies to "fix" the depression,
> Japanese and Italian internment camps, imprisonment of political
> opponents, suppresion of the press, ... etc.

FDR was shit, but Lincoln did much of that and worse.

> As far as a murder FDR is responsible for more American deaths than any
> other President with the exception of the butcher Lincoln (all such
> statist should die that way) not to mention the 1,000's of Jews he let die
> because he didn't want any "filthy kikes" immigrating to the US. Oh let's
> not forget the men and women at Perl Harbor and in the other Pacific
> Islands that were offered up as sacrificial lambs so he could turn the
> sheeple in favor of a war they otherwise would not have supported.

Amen. And let's not forger the Kennedy Klan: the murderer and bootlegger
Joe Kennedy accummulated lots of $$ via his criminal activities during the
prohibition and figured (correctly) that he could buy political posts for
his kids. Joe kennedy personally murdered more people than Al Capone and
Dillinger (I'm not talking about sending goon squads)

> FDR was a statist pig no better than the other statist pigs that waged war
> against the people of the world in the 30's and 40's.

I can't argue with the obvious fact that FDR was a motherfucking dictator and
deserved a bullet in his head the same way Lincoln did. However FDR did not,
as far as I know, sent death squads dressed up as ninjas to murder civilians,
the way Slick Willy did at Waco, Ruby Ridge, et al - possibly just because
FDR didn't have the goons that are now plentiful in the feds' employ.

Lock and load,


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps
