1998-01-13 - 19 European countries ban human cloning [CNN]

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From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Message Hash: a64dea549648595fe0a9203adfb76a4b5059a369700d2c7dee7cd17363c8b2ba
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UTC Datetime: 1998-01-13 14:35:48 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 22:35:48 +0800

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From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 22:35:48 +0800
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Subject: 19 European countries ban human cloning [CNN]
Message-ID: <199801131501.JAA27115@einstein.ssz.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text

Forwarded message:

>   Britain, Germany not among signatories
>      January 12, 1998
>      Web posted at: 8:00 p.m. EST (0100 GMT)
>      PARIS (CNN) -- Nineteen European nations on Monday signed an
>      agreement to prohibit the cloning of humans.
>      Representatives from 19 members of the Council of Europe signed a
>      protocol that would commit their countries to ban by law "any
>      intervention seeking to create human beings genetically identical to
>      another human being, whether living or dead." It rules out any
>      exception to the ban, even in the case of a completely sterile
>      couple.
>      "At a time when occasional voices are being raised to assert the
>      acceptability of human cloning and even to put it more rapidly into
>      practice, it is important for Europe solemnly to declare its
>      determination to defend human dignity against the abuse of
>      scientific techniques," Council Secretary-General Daniel Tarchys
>      said.
>      The text, which is to become a part of the European Convention on
>      Human Rights and Biomedicine, would permit cloning of cells for
>      research purposes.CNN's Margaret Lowrie reports
>      icon 2 min. 3 sec VXtreme video
>      The accord will become binding on the signatories as soon as it has
>      been ratified in five states.
>      Countries signing are: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece,
>      Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Portugal,
>      Romania, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Macedonia and Turkey.

[text deleted]

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   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
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