1998-02-20 - Re: Making fun of the Postal Service is not allowed

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From: tcmay@got.net (Tim May)
To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
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Message ID: <199802202021.MAA16586@always.got.net>
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UTC Datetime: 1998-02-20 20:43:43 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 04:43:43 +0800

Raw message

From: tcmay@got.net (Tim May)
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 04:43:43 +0800
To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Subject: Re: Making fun of the Postal Service is not allowed
Message-ID: <199802202021.MAA16586@always.got.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Things are really getting whacked out, if what this guy says is true.

(I was partly joking in my comments, but he claims some serious actions
are happening. So much for free speech, once again.)


> From: Douglas Begle <douglas.begle@sun.com>
> Newsgroups: ba.mountain-folk,scruz.general
> Subject: Re: Making fun of the Postal Service is not allowed
> Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:59:03 -0800
> Organization: Sun Microsystems
> Lines: 30
> Message-ID: <34EDD277.DC25199E@sun.com>
> Tim May wrote:
> > It's not the County one has to worry about, it's the U.S. Postal Service.
> >
> > I assume you all saw the proposal that making fun of the Postal Service be
> > made a crime? Seems the USPS is not amused by a computer game called
> > "Going Postal," and wants this game renamed, else they'll file defamation
> > charges.
> >
> > A bit like the head of the American Bar Association telling us a year or
> > so ago that the ABA was considering legal remedies for the epidemic of
> > lawyer jokes.
> >
> > Only in Amerika.
> >
> > --Tim May
> Ha!  so true.  A friend of mine created  the Disgruntled Postal Worker Zone at
> http://www.well.com/user/ecp/index.html
> The USPS issued a cease-and-desist demand.  Twice.  He hasn't.  Twice. I think
> the USPS is still jawing at his lawyer, but he keeps the site updated.
> I bought some of the "Disgruntled?  Ask me."  buttons a while back.  Gems.
> Doug

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