From: (Igor Chudov @ home)
To: (Cypherpunks)
Message Hash: 2fce869523d180a8a77fea3d970b3196e7c46940864a88839f215f2e5522f957
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UTC Datetime: 1998-02-24 04:25:00 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 20:25:00 -0800 (PST)
From: (Igor Chudov @ home)
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 20:25:00 -0800 (PST)
To: (Cypherpunks)
Subject: return.C -- performance tracking tool (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
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I have been using this program for a while and decided to share it
with the other readers. It is written in C++.
This program calculates the total portfolio return. It may be used
to find out an individual's stock picking performance and compare it
to some benchmark.
Right now it compiles under Unix, but I would expect it to work under
DOS and Win32 console interface. To compile it, type
gcc -lm -lg++ -o return return.C
This program was written because I was not satisfied with the existing
portfolio tracking websites due to their extremely limited and incorrect
It works by treating your investments as a "mutual fund". It tracks
the number of "shares" held. It means that additional cash infusions,
withdrawals, stock splits, sales of securities do not affect the per share
value. This is done so that the changing size of the portfolio would not
skew the estimate of the true performance of the stock picker. However,
dividends, fees and recorded capital appreciation do affect the per
share value.
Short sales are allowed by specifying a negative stock amount.
I strongly suggest that investors regularly record stock prices into their
transaction files (using the VAL operator) to monitor how they are doing.
portfolio-return transaction-file-name TICKER=price TICKER=price ...
portfolio-return MYSTOCKS.TXT MSFT=130 T=65.56
It reads a text file that contains the record of transactions, and
prices, and requests to print out the portfolio value.
# This is a typical file used to calculate total return.
# This file contains comments, marked by "#" characters,
# and transaction info.
# Transaction info consists of records of the following form:
# INV Amount -- tells how much was invested in Category
# PUR Ticker numshares share_price -- stock purchase info
# SAL Ticker numshares share_price -- stock sale
# DIV Ticker Amount -- how much dividend was received
# WDR Amount -- cash withdrawal
# VAL Ticker Amount -- Value per share
# SPL Ticker new_to_old -- stock split
# FEE amount -- various fees (like margin loan
# interest, commission etc)
# (negative FEE means incoming cash, from e.g interest on the cash held
# by the broker)
# PRN Comment -- Print portfolio with Comment
Happy investing.
Copyright (c) Igor Chudov 1997.
GNU Copyright applies. There is NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. By using this
program you agree to indemnify and hold it author harmless from any
liabilities resulting in connection with your use of the program.
You are allowed to copy this program freely provided that the copyright
notice remains intact.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define Money double
#define StockTicker char *
#define Date int
class Stock {
Stock( const StockTicker theTicker,
int theQuantity = 0,
Money theValue = 0.0 )
: Ticker( strdup( theTicker ) ),
Quantity( theQuantity ),
Value( theValue )
// nothing
~Stock( void ) { delete[] Ticker; }
void Purchase( int theQuantity ) { Quantity += theQuantity; }
int GetQuantity( void ) const { return Quantity; };
void SetValue( Money theValue ) { Value = theValue; }
Money GetValue( void ) const { return Value; }
const StockTicker GetTicker( void ) const { return Ticker; }
void Split( Money factor ) { Quantity *= factor, Value /= factor; }
Money Value;
StockTicker Ticker;
int Quantity;
typedef Stock * PStock;
class Portfolio {
Portfolio( void );
~Portfolio( void );
// What can happen to the portfolios:
// Add cash to the portfolio
void Invest( Money Cash );
// Purchase (or sell (even short) if Quantity is negative)
void Purchase( const StockTicker Ticker, int Quantity, Money Value );
// Dividend received, 1 success, 0 failure
int Dividend( const StockTicker Ticker, Money DividendPerShare );
// Split, factor is new # of shares to old # of shares, 1 success, 0 failure
int Split( const StockTicker Ticker, Money factor );
// Withdrawal
void Withdraw( Money Amount );
// Fee -- margin interest, commission etc
void Fee( Money amount );
// Change in Stock valuation
int Valuation( StockTicker Ticker, Money theValue );
// Equity = Cash + StockValue
Money Equity( void ) const;
Money EquityPerShare( void ) const { return Equity()/NumShares; }
int GetNumShares( void ) const { return NumShares; }
void Print( ostream & os, const char * comment = 0 );
void Revaluate( void );
int FindStock( const StockTicker Ticker );
Stock ** Stocks;
int NumberStocks;
int MaxNumberStocks;
Money Return;
Money LastDate;
Money Cash;
Money NumShares;
Portfolio::Portfolio( void )
: NumberStocks( 0 ),
MaxNumberStocks( 100 ),
Cash( 0.0 ),
NumShares( 0 ),
Return( 0.0 ),
LastDate( 0 )
Stocks = new PStock[ MaxNumberStocks ];
Portfolio::~Portfolio( void )
delete[] Stocks;
void Portfolio::Invest( Money theCash )
//cout << "investing " << theCash << endl;
if( NumShares != 0 )
NumShares += theCash/EquityPerShare();
Cash += theCash;
Cash = theCash;
NumShares = Cash;
void Portfolio::Withdraw( Money Amount )
Invest( -Amount );
void Portfolio::Fee( Money Amount )
Cash -= Amount;
int Portfolio::FindStock( const StockTicker Ticker )
for( int i = 0; i < NumberStocks; i++ )
if( !strcmp( Ticker, Stocks[i]->GetTicker() ) )
return i;
return -1;
void Portfolio::Purchase( const StockTicker Ticker,
int Quantity,
Money Value )
int found = FindStock( Ticker );
if( found == -1 ) // need to add a stock
if( NumberStocks == MaxNumberStocks ) // need to resize
Stock ** NewStocks = new PStock[ MaxNumberStocks * 2 ];
memcpy( NewStocks, Stocks, sizeof( Stock ) * MaxNumberStocks );
delete[] Stocks;
Stocks = NewStocks;
MaxNumberStocks *= 2;
found = NumberStocks++;
Stocks[found] = new Stock( Ticker, Quantity, Value );
Stocks[found]->Purchase( Quantity );
Stocks[found]->SetValue( Value );
Cash -= Quantity * Value;
int Portfolio::Dividend( const StockTicker Ticker, Money DividendPerShare )
int found = FindStock( Ticker );
if( found == -1 )
return 0;
Cash += DividendPerShare * Stocks[found]->GetQuantity();
int Portfolio::Split( const StockTicker Ticker, Money Factor )
int found = FindStock( Ticker );
if( found == -1 )
return 0;
Stocks[found]->Split( Factor );
int Portfolio::Valuation( StockTicker Ticker, Money theValue )
int found = FindStock( Ticker );
if( found == -1 )
return 0; // failure
Stocks[found]->SetValue( theValue );
return 1; // success
Money Portfolio::Equity( void ) const
Money e = Cash;
for( int i =0; i < NumberStocks; i++ )
e += Stocks[i]->GetQuantity() * Stocks[i]->GetValue();
return e ;
void Portfolio::Print( ostream & os, const char * comment )
os << endl << "Portfolio: " << (comment ? comment : "" ) << endl;
for( int i = 0; i < NumberStocks; i++ )
os << Stocks[i]->GetTicker() << " "
<< Stocks[i]->GetQuantity() << " "
<< Stocks[i]->GetValue() << ", Total = "
<< Stocks[i]->GetValue() * Stocks[i]->GetQuantity() << endl;
os << "Cash: " << Cash << endl;
cout << "Equity = " << Equity() << endl;
cout << "Number of Shares = " << GetNumShares() << endl;
cout << "Share Value = " << EquityPerShare() << endl;
void ReadHistory( Portfolio & portfolio, FILE * f )
while( !feof( f ) )
char buf[2048];
buf[0] = 0;
fgets( buf, sizeof( buf ), f );
//cout << buf;
char * p = strchr( buf, '#' );
if( p != 0 ) *p = 0; // Comment #
for( p = buf; *p; p++ ) *p = toupper( *p );
if( !strncmp( buf, "INV", 3 ) )
//cout << "investing" << endl;
float amount;
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%f", &amount ) == 1 )
portfolio.Invest( amount );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "WDR", 3 ) )
float amount;
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%f", &amount ) == 1 )
portfolio.Invest( -amount );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "PUR", 3 ) )
float price;
int numshares;
char ticker[2048];
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%s %d %f", &ticker, &numshares, &price ) == 3 )
portfolio.Purchase( ticker, numshares, price );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "FEE", 3 ) )
float amount;
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%f", &amount ) == 1 )
portfolio.Fee( amount );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "SAL", 3 ) )
float price;
int numshares;
char ticker[2048];
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%s %d %f", &ticker, &numshares, &price ) == 3 )
portfolio.Purchase( ticker, -numshares, price );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "DIV", 3 ) )
float div;
char ticker[2048];
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%s %f", &ticker, &div ) == 2 )
portfolio.Dividend( ticker, div );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "VAL", 3 ) )
float val;
char ticker[2048];
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%s %f", &ticker, &val ) == 2 )
portfolio.Valuation( ticker, val );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "SPL", 3 ) )
float factor;
char ticker[2048];
if( sscanf( buf+4, "%s %f", &ticker, &factor ) == 2 )
portfolio.Split( ticker, factor );
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid transaction: %s\n", buf );
else if( !strncmp( buf, "PRN", 3 ) )
portfolio.Print( cout, buf + 4 );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
Portfolio portfolio;
FILE * input;
if( argc >= 2 )
if( (input = fopen( argv[1], "r" )) == 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s.\n"
"Usage: %s activity-file TICK=val TICK1=val ...\n",
argv[1], argv[0] );
exit( 1 );
input = stdin;
ReadHistory( portfolio, input );
for( argc--; argc > 1; argc-- )
// process arguments of form "TICKER=value"
char buf[ 2048 ];
strcpy( buf, argv[argc] );
for( char * p = buf; *p; p++ ) *p = toupper( *p );
char * pvalue = strchr( buf, '=' );
if( pvalue == 0 )
cerr << "Wrong argument: " << argv[argc]
<< ". Must be of form TICKER=value" << endl;
float value;
if( sscanf( pvalue, "%f", &value ) != 1 )
cerr << "Wrong argument: " << argv[argc]
<< ". Must be of form TICKER=value" << endl;
if( !portfolio.Valuation( buf, value ) )
cerr << "Ticker " << buf << " not found in the portfolio!" << endl;
portfolio.Print( cout, "Final Result" );
printf( "\n\n"
"Copyright (C) Igor Chudov,,\n"
"No warranty is provided with this free program. GNU Copyright applies.\n" );
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