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UTC Datetime: 1998-02-18 03:04:31 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 19:04:31 -0800 (PST)
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 19:04:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: description of my stream cipher
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Subject: description of my stream cipher
From: Jouni Vuorio <>
Date: 1998/02/17
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Newsgroups: sci.crypt
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Here is description of my stream cipher, it operates one
byte at time, instead of one bit at time.
its key length is up to 255 bytes (2040 bits)
im sure that there are no need for longer description,
becourse that vb source code explanes details.
only thing that could be difficult to understund is
Asc(Mid(Text2, R2 - 1, 1)) that simppely means that
take asci value from text (in this case string text2)
starting from R2 - 1 and length of 1. i think that
everyone understunds the rest.
VB source code:
Initializing the substitution-box
On Error Resume Next
D = Len(Key)
R = 1
For R2 = 1 To 256
H1 = Asc(Mid(Text2, R2 - 1, 1))
K1 = Asc(Mid(Text2, R, 1))
K2 = Asc(Mid(Text2, D Mod Len(Text2), 1))
K3 = Asc(Mid(Text2, D * R Mod Len(Text2), 1))
K4 = Asc(Mid(Text2, R + D Mod Len(Text2), 1))
R1 = ((R1 + R2 + K + 1) Xor (R1 * R2 + 1)) Mod 256
R3 = ((R3 + R1 + 1) + R2 + (R1 * K + 1 Mod (R3 + R1 + 1))) Mod 256
R4 = (R4 + R3 + R1 + 1) ^ 2 Mod 256
R = R + 1
If (R - 1) = Len(Text2) Then R = 1
C = (C + (H1 + K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + D + R1 + R3 + R4) Mod 256) Mod 256
C = C Mod 256
SBox = SBox & Chr(C Mod 255 + 1)
On Error Resume Next
Key = Text2
texti = Text1
Text1 = ""
R = 1
S1 = Len(Key)
S2 = 11
For R2 = 1 To Len(texti)
C = Asc(Mid(texti, R2, 1)) - 1
K = (K + Asc(Mid(Key, R2 Mod Len(Key), 1))) Mod 256
K = (K + Asc(Mid(SBox, (((K * R2 Mod 256) - 255) * -1) Mod 257, 1))) Mod
R1 = ((R1 + R2 + K) Xor (R1 * R2)) Mod 256
R3 = ((R3 + R1) + R2 + (R1 * K Mod (R3 + R1))) Mod 256
R4 = (R4 + R3 + R1) ^ 2 Mod 256
F1 = (F1 + (Asc(Mid(SBox, R1 Mod 256, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
F2 = (F2 + (Asc(Mid(SBox, R2 Mod 256, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
F3 = (F3 + (Asc(Mid(SBox, R3 Mod 256, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
F4 = (F4 + (Asc(Mid(SBox, R4 Mod 256, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
F5 = (F5 + (Asc(Mid(SBox, K Mod 256, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
temp = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F5 + M Mod 256
F = (F + (Asc(Mid(SBox, temp, 1)) Mod 256) Mod 256)
M = M + 1
If M = 2 Then M = 0
If M = 0 Then C = C Xor ((F + K) Mod 256)
If M = 1 Then C = C Xor ((((F + K) Mod 256) - 255) * -1)
C = (C Mod 256) + 1
Mid(texti, R2, 1) = Chr(C)
Text1 = texti
-- GSM 050-5456235
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1998-02-18 (Tue, 17 Feb 1998 19:04:31 -0800 (PST)) - description of my stream cipher - nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)