From: “Robin Nixon” <>
To: “Bill Stewart” <>
Message Hash: e627ff7adaa2f9ef5d857eb52d4c8d0dcbb4c4086b1d07e7957b7b165bb2b6c7
Message ID: <003501bd822a$89a26300$>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1998-05-18 07:04:52 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 00:04:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Robin Nixon" <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 00:04:52 -0700 (PDT)
To: "Bill Stewart" <>
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
Message-ID: <003501bd822a$89a26300$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Please give me the exact address to block - we already blocked all we know
of yours.
- Robin.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Stewart <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Monday, May 18, 1998 12:05 AM
Subject: unsubscribe
>cypherpunks is a list with several hundred subscribers.
>Some spammer has been trying to subscribe the list
>to your service. Earlier today I connected to the
>web site and found that somebody else had
>permanently removed most of the list aliases,
>but you seem to be sending out this announcement anyway.
>At 02:28 AM 5/18/98 -0000, you wrote:
>>Congratulations, your free subscription to the Eureka!
>>newsletter is now set up. We hope you enjoy every copy.
>>As promised, while you wait for your first newsletter
>>here are the links to the FREE videos and FREE photos!
>>Flicitations, votre abonnement libre l'Eureka! le
>>bulletin est maintenant install. Nous esprons que
>>vous apprciez chaque copie. Comme promis, alors que
>>vous attendez votre premier bulletin ici sont les liens
>>aux videos LIBRES et aux photos LIBRES!
>>Glckwnsche, Ihre freie Subskription zum Eureka!
>>Rundschreiben wird jetzt oben eingestellt. Wir hoffen,
>>da Sie jedes Exemplar genieen. Wie, whrend Sie Ihr
>>erstes Rundschreiben hier warten, sind die Links zu den
>>FREIEN videos und zu den FREIEN Fotos versprochen!
>>Felicitaciones, su suscripcin libre al Eureka! el
>>boletn de noticias ahora se fija para arriba.
>>Esperamos que usted goce de cada copia. Segn lo
>>prometido, mientras que usted espera su primer boletn
>>de noticias aqu son las conexiones a los videos LIBRES
>>y a las fotos LIBRES!
>>Congratulazioni, il vostro abbonamento libero al
>>Eureka! il bollettino ora installato. Speriamo che
>>godiate ogni copia. Come promesso, mentre aspettate il
>>vostro primo bollettino qui sono i collegamenti ai vid-
>>eos LIBERI ed alle foto LIBERE!
>>Felicitaes, sua subscrio livre ao Eureka! o boletim
>>de notcias ajustado agora acima. Ns esperamos que
>>voc aprece cada cpia. Como prometidas, quando voc
>>esperar seu primeiro boletim de notcias aqui so as
>>ligaes aos videos LIVRES e s fotos LIVRES!
>>FREE hardcore videos ........
>>FREE hardcore photos ....
>>The following lines identify the source of this subscription
>>request, including date/time, IP number and browser used.
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1998-05-18 (Mon, 18 May 1998 00:04:52 -0700 (PDT)) - Re: unsubscribe - “Robin Nixon” <>