1998-07-21 - Canadian Shock Radio - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!

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From: Linda Reed–PCC West Campus CSC <lreed@west.cscwc.pima.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
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UTC Datetime: 1998-07-21 07:08:20 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 00:08:20 -0700 (PDT)

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From: Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC <lreed@west.cscwc.pima.edu>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 00:08:20 -0700 (PDT)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Canadian Shock Radio - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!
Message-ID: <009C97C4.5E586D60.1@west.cscwc.pima.edu>
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Canadian Shock Radio - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!!

  Lest anyone think that my rendidion of 'Dudley's Dick In D-Sharp"
might be a bit of sour grapes on my part, let me state, for the record,
that I hold no ill will against the poor, ignorant Nazis in the orkton
division of the RCMP, since basically all they really did was to totally
fuck up their own Karma, while giving me a valuable life-lesson which
may well have been responsible for my making a very important and far-
reaching decision later in my life.
  ears later, as a result of knowing what awaits TheManWhoKnowsTooMuch
I decided to keep my fucking mouth shut about the people and events that
I observed from my position on the ceiling, while looking down on my 
body and the rest of the room during a particularly intensive electro-
shock experience. 
  Something told me that I was, once again, inadvertently observing
something that would result in 'measures' needing to be taken by the
RecognizedAndRespectedMembersOfSociety (of which I was not one), in 
order to ensure that I did not share with others what I had seen while
peeking under the skirt of the GreatWhoreWhoWasWearingNoPanties.

  One of the more disturbing things I perceived while listening to the
rather enlightening conversations taking place among the gathered
civilian and military medical personnel, was something that I have come
to understand rather recently, as a result of research that was begun
after something Tim May mentioned in one of his posts to the CPUNX list.
  I thought it odd, at the time, to observe my being given a long series
of electroshocks in a single session, since it was my understanding that
They (TM) just gave a person one, quick whack, and then hosed the shit
off your sheets and wheeled you into another room to make way for the
next lucky winner. Recent research, however, seems to indicate that
this was a special technique pioneered in Canada by Dr. Ewen Cameron,
MKULTRA's resident wanna-be-Nazi-doctor, in order to wipe his patients'
minds (and identities) 'clean,' in order to prepare them for a rebuilding
of their personality, through a technique called Psychic Driving (which
turns out to be a kindlier, gentler form of Brainwashing--as long as you
are only comparing it to bamboo-shoots under the fingernails and rats
in cages placed over one's face).
  Of course, Dr. Cameron, who retired to great accolade, recognized as
a Titan in Canadian Medical History, as opposed to being tried by an
International Court and sentenced to be hung, like his predecessors at
Dachau, was really only being used as an expendable shill to take the
heat if the shit hit the fan over Rockerfeller Foundation funded CIA/
Military experiments obliterating the minds of women being treated for
such devastating mental disabilities as 'menopause' and 'post-partum
depression.' After all, one could hardly expect the CIA to risk exposure
of the players in the Canadian MKULTRA scene whose pre-WorldWarII alleged
'histories' could not withstand close scrutiny.
  Accordingly, after the shit hit the fan, it was Dr. Cameron who fell
off a cliff while 'climbing' <nod-nod> <wink-wink>, while my physician
continued to practice...and practice...and practice...

  Delving into the history of CIA mind-control experiments cleared up a
few things that had been somewhat of a mystery in regard to my medical
treatment over the years, such as how I had ended up being treated with
hypnosis and heavy doses of electroshock when I had originally gone to
see the doctor in regard to a particularly nasty hangnail, and what the
fuck all of those Navy people were doing two thousand miles from the 

  I'm just kidding, of course...
  The fact is, I *already* knew *what* the fuck all of those Navy people
were doing in Saskatchewan. They were there conferring with Dr. Hoffer's
alleged 'research assistant,' MJ. What I *didn't* know, at the time, 
was *why*.
  I was not surprised to recently find out, after a modicum of research,
that Ms. MJ Callbeck left the Navy as a nurse lieutenant, specializing
in psychiatric nursing, receiving most of her postgraduate training at
Allan Memorial Hospital in Montreal, from phychiatrists who were, to
put it as delicately as possible...PostWar Refugees From Hitler's Nazi
Germany. (With 'refugee' apparently being defined as a physician who
had escaped trial and hanging at Nuremburg, as a result of having a
wealth of information and 'practical experience' in areas that were of
interest to American and Canadian intelligence agencies.)

  Ms. Callbeck became a 'research nurse' for a research team formed in
Saskatchewan with huge grant from the CIA's Canadian funding front,
the Rockerfeller Foundation, and was awarded a training grant to
visit two U.S. research units funded by the CIA's American funding
front, the Human Ecology Foundation, at Tulane University, in New
Orleans, and the Psychiatric Institute in New ork.
  After MJ's return from the HeartOfMentalDarkness of the MKULTRA
mind-control establishments in the U.S., she created a psychiatric
researching nursing team to 'control' all clinical research for the
team, and to ensure that research protocols would be followed.

  Ms. Callbeck's and Dr. Hoffer's careers were closely intertwined with
Dr. Humphry Osmond, a British Naval doctor sent to Canada to look after
British Naval Intelligence's interests in the North American mind-control
research arena being fronted by the CIA, with their MKULTRA Project, and
Captain Al Hubbard, the Johnny Appleseed of LSD, whose hallucinogenic
pecker-tracks throughout the OSS and the Manhattan Project led to him
receiving a Presidential Pardon from Harry Truman, as well as opening
doors for him to a wide variety of employment with such agencies as the
CIA and the Canadian Special Services.
  As a matter of fact, the chronolgy of the U.S. mind-control experiments
moving beyond U.S. borders, to countries such as Canada, when publicity
and legal technicalities (such as the murder of innocent victims who had
been dosed with hallucinogenic drugs without their knowledge) became a
bit of a 'sticky wicket,' was mirrored in Canada by the careers of Hoffer,
Osmond, Callbeck and Hubbard, who seemed to be at the center of much
of the 'progressive' psychiatric research funded by American and Canadian
military intelligence agencies, but who always managed to somehow exit 
the scene just before the shit hit the fan, and, as a result, "not get 
any fon 'em."
{e.g. - Just as Hubbard (who looks surprisingly like my step-grandfather,
 Ray Hubbard) managed to slip out the back door of the Hollywood Hospital
in Vancouver, just as "the Canadian Medical Association was becoming
increasingly suspicious of Hollywood Hospital in the wake of publicity
surrounding MK-ULTRA" (with the Canadian Citizen's Commission on Human
Rights doing a distincly audible "Hhhmmmm..." over discovering a CIA
contract psychiatrist, Dr. Harold Abramson, being on the Board Of 
Directors of the hospital superintendent's Psychedelic Therapy Assn.),
Dr. Hoffer always seemed to manage to call a 'slant-right' at the 
exact time that a hole in the line seemed to open up, closing behind
him and leaving the more dispensable players behind to face a legal
and media blitz(krieg) that was more interested in kicking ass and
taking names, than who actually had the ball.

  Naturally, after 1966, when overt legal research into hallucinogenic
therapy was stopped/banned, Dr. Hoffer, who was then Associate Professor
(Research) Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan,
suddenly deemed it time to go into 'private practice,' where his work/
research would not be subject to the scrutiny of his peers and his
employers, who might take a dim view of any connection to what was
now illegal research.
  Ms. Callbeck, Navy Lieutenant, MKULTRA research trainee, also found
it a convenient time to depart the Research Unit at the University of
Saskatchewan, and assist Dr. Hoffer in the research he was pursuing.

  As always, what one finds upon inquiry into JustTheFactsMa'am never
seems to be quite as intruiging as what one *does*not* find...

  For instance, one would expect a person who held such an esteemed
position as Director General Technical Assistance, United Nations,
to include this accolade on his or her Curriculum Vitae, but Dr. Hoffer
does not seem to have done so.
  As well, all research into the details of the position seem to lead
nowhere, except when one makes personal inquiries through people who
were involved with closely connected areas of the UN agency at the
time, and, even then, when one begins to ask more detailed questions
about the involvement-of/relationship-with Kurt Waldheim, etc., people's
memories suddenly get much worse, and, by golly it seems that they can't
seem to remember hardly anything at all, and think that maybe they were
mistaken about what they already told you.

  Of course, when one looks under the dustbins of history, one invariably
finds a few dustballs that remain, as a result of someone forgetting to
do a thourough cleaning, and one finds such gems as a letter from The
Commission For The Study Of Creative Imagination, with such notables/
suspects such as Hoffer, Hubbard, Osmond, Huxley. Smythies, on the Board
of Directors (with Hoffer's UN position highlighted), making inquiries 
into the Urantia manuscripts which Hitler's Deaths Head troops found
so enamoring. 
"Our little planet, Urantia, is poised on the brink of an enthralling
epoch of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual
enlightenment -- the threshold of true civilization."
{Of particular interest is the lack of any mention of Reptilian Nazis,
 even though it seems to be common knowledge that Jesus descended into
 the bowels of the earth during his three days of being incommunicado.
 Were there 'basement stairs' in his 'burial' cave?}

  Also curiously missing from all references to the history of psychiatry
and/or hallucinogenic mind-control experimentation in Canada is mention
of an individual whose name I encountered many times in Saskatchewan, and
always in relation to communities which contained major mental health
hospitals or facilities--Frank Skanks.

  The above, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg that one discovers
upon doing a bit of research into known and documented human figures in
the history of mental health research and practice in Saskatchewan.
  If one begins investigations into some of the more shadowy figures who
are usually encountered only when viewing their electroshock treatments
from the ceiling above, or by following them from one's doctor's office
and eavesdropping on them during their lunch, etc., then things get, as
Alice noted, "curiouser and curiouser..."

  Stan, you've still got something hanging from your lip...
