From: “Kurt Buff” <>
To: <>
Message Hash: bede8d785b11ee63a4db411beff3ed3d89a846800bc08542e46fc8f9d522fb38
Message ID: <000f01bde75a$e2c9a2a0$>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1998-09-23 12:43:38 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 20:43:38 +0800
From: "Kurt Buff" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 20:43:38 +0800
To: <>
Subject: RE:
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Message-ID: <000f01bde75a$e2c9a2a0$>
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Well, yes, there *is* a problem in defining your stance by opposition to
others, but the term is useful, nonetheless.
Simply saying "unchurched" or "realist" or "non-religous" sometimes simply
doesn't say enough, or mean enough to others to convey all of the meaning
| At 09:00 PM 9/21/98 -0700, Kurt Buff wrote:
| >I (as a militant atheist) merely say that if you can define
| your God, I can
| >probably prove he doesn't exist. Unless, of course, your
| definition is so
| >broad as to have no meaning in the first place.
| As a thinker I find the term atheism dignifies the
| concept of theism, so I find it offensive. Theists
| are primitives and one needn't stoop.
| In my religion, saying unprovable things in public
| is a stonable offense.
| Joe Momma
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