1998-09-10 - Re: Renewable Energy Stuff (was citizenship silliness) (fwd)

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From: Petro <petro@playboy.com>
To: cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
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UTC Datetime: 1998-09-10 05:35:52 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 13:35:52 +0800

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From: Petro <petro@playboy.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 13:35:52 +0800
To: cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Subject: Re: Renewable Energy Stuff (was citizenship silliness) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <199809101757.MAA04638@einstein.ssz.com>
Message-ID: <v03110710b21dca65a98e@[]>
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At 12:57 PM -0500 9/10/98, Jim Choate wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:26:47 -0600 (MDT)
>> From: Jim Burnes <jvb@ssds.com>
>> Subject: Renewable Energy Stuff (was citizenship silliness)
>> Apparently hemp hurd gassification yields a fairly sizeable, renewable
>> amount of energy per acre.  Lemme see if I have the reference....
>> Historically Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) has been a very high yielding plant
>> (Haney 1975).  Assuming that hemp produces up to 4 tons/acre seed plus 10
>> tons/acre stalks, Table 1 shows how many gallons of liquid fuel import
>>could be
>> saved by each of the following proven biomass fuel conversion routes.
>>        Table 1. Conversion technologies for hemp stalks and hemp oil
>> CONVERSION                                           CONVERSION GASOLINE
>> TECHNOLOGY                                             EFF - %    GAL/ACRE
>> 1  Ethanol from fermentation of hydrolyzed cellulose    20      200
>> 2  Digestion of whole stalks to methane                 50      500
>> 3  Producer gas from thermal gasification of stalks     85      1000
>> 4  Methanol from syngas from gasification of stalks     65      750
>> 5  Methanol from pyrolysis of stalks                    3       30
>> OIL SEEDS - 4 tons/acre
>> 6  Hemp Seed oil from Seeds, no conversion              100     300
>> 7  Biobioesel premium diesel fuel from hemp seed        90      270
>>     oil combined chemically with methanol
>You're going to seriously claim that 1 gallon of hemp oil is equivalent to 3
>gallons of gasoline? I don't think so. I've seen hemp burn and it don't burn
>anywhere near that efficiently.

	No, he is saying you get the energy equiv. of 300 gallons of gas
from 4 tons of seed, PLUS the other stuff from the stalks.

	I can't speak for the veracity of the numbers, but that would be my

	Also, he is talking when processed into fuel oil/gas, not put in a
pipe and...

	Never mind.

petro@playboy.com----for work related issues. I don't speak for Playboy.
petro@bounty.org-----for everthing else.      They wouldn't like that.
                                              They REALLY
Economic speech IS political speech.          wouldn't like that.
