From: “Enzo Michelangeli” <>
To: <>
Message Hash: d609512552e0b18f9e3192d66716d4fdd36114a3a4ae1758f68787bd1c249b5d
Message ID: <01c201bdf1c9$bbd28b20$87004bca@home>
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UTC Datetime: 1998-10-06 10:09:45 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:09:45 +0800
From: "Enzo Michelangeli" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:09:45 +0800
To: <>
Subject: Sad news ... (... or not ;-)) (
Message-ID: <01c201bdf1c9$bbd28b20$87004bca@home>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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> At 6:57 PM -0400 on 10/6/98, Petro wrote:>
> > Who owns the patents, Digicash, or Chaum?>
> DigiCash, Inc., of the US of A, not DigiCash BV, of the Netherlands.>
> Cheers,> Bob Hettinga
Uhm, strange: I thought that the main attraction of a Dutch company was the
lack of withholding tax on royalty payments made to non-residents, that,
combined with the tax treaties between The Netherlands and most countries
(which allow tax-free payment from those countries to the Dutch company),
makes it an ideal vehicle to receive royalties on a (almost) tax-free basis.
But if the patents were held by Digicash Inc., what was the point of having
Digicash BV?
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