1998-12-15 - Fwd: Anne McLellan’s voters reject gun registration…

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From: “Jean-Francois Avon” <jf_avon@citenet.net>
To: “The Montreal Gazette” <Martin.P@parl.gc.ca>
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UTC Datetime: 1998-12-15 23:38:13 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 07:38:13 +0800

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From: "Jean-Francois Avon" <jf_avon@citenet.net>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 07:38:13 +0800
To: "The Montreal Gazette" <Martin.P@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Fwd: Anne McLellan's voters reject gun registration...
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>Subject: Anne McLellan's voters reject gun registration...
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"The Edmonton Examiner" a local community newspaper, ran an
editorial entitled "Gun lobby has a point."  In it they
accused the "pro-gun" faction of posturing and paranoia, but
then went on to say the so called "lobby" is correct in it's
assessment of the registry.  The paper  said, "the
government has failed to show how gun registration will
reduce crime, which is the sole reason for registration."  

	The newspaper also asked how would knowing that people own
rifles deter crimes, while "the new law does nothing to
deter the easy access to guns smuggled in from the U.S." 
Another statement follows, "and of course the criminal
element has no interest in registering guns."  The editor
makes one last telling remark, "So exactly what is the
point? Essentially, it is to gather information.  All
governments love information, the more the better.  But
there is no proof at all that registering guns deters
criminal activity."

	Sounds like an editor sounding off..... Right?   What
follows indicates the writer likes to do a little
investigative journalism.... The editor then conducted a
telephone poll asking the question "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE
constituents of "Idle Annie" had their say in this poll.) 
The results were 76%  AGAINST the registration program with
24% in favour..... Oh dear, Annie..... You'd better hope
they change their minds come election time......  

	Comments from those opposed to the registry, "I have never
owned a gun, but I resent this program which smacks of a
police state."  Another said, "I have yet to undertstand how
having the gun registered that killed those students in
Montreal registered would have prevented that terrible
deed." The last and most telling,  "It is simply a way to
enable the confiscation of firearms in order to prevent any
insurrection or revolt against a government that may be
imposing oppressive measures."

	The usual comments equating registering cars and guns, and
the "only one life" bleat came from the 24% who actually
liked the registry.  One even said "Gun owners have to wait
hours to get their guns, instead of minutes.  Get over it
you big whiny crybabies."  (Kinda makes you question the
maturity of that one!)

	The polls are turning in our favour, and they are doing so
because we are educating the public.  The more they know
about the registration process and the costs, the less they
like the idea.  We have accomplished this without breaking
any laws, and without the need to indulge in civil
disobedience.  If we break (even unjust) laws and engage in
publicised acts of civil disobedience then we will lose. 
The newsmedia will then (rightly) portray us as a bunch of
right wing fanatics, and elements of the lunatic fringe. 
The NFA has proved we can be heard, and that the public is
seeing things our way without the need to engage in silly
demonstrations.  Let's see how far we can go within the law,
during the next four years.
Peter Kearns
NFA Communications

Simon says:  "Well what about it Annie?  What do your spin
doctors have to say about a poll that included the people
who voted in the last election in Edmonton West?  (Weren't
you elected to represent the views of the people who voted
for you?)...........

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