1998-12-07 - Re: What was the quid pro quo for Wassenaar countries?

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From: “Joel O’Connor” <ogrenivek@yahoo.com>
To: HyperReal-Anon <nobody@sind.hyperreal.art.pl>
Message Hash: b65b78a1543046f8749b187a4254e8e1defa354666ab19753f733b7a2f7e0404
Message ID: <19981207003454.25653.rocketmail@send104.yahoomail.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1998-12-07 01:06:39 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 09:06:39 +0800

Raw message

From: "Joel O'Connor" <ogrenivek@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 09:06:39 +0800
To: HyperReal-Anon <nobody@sind.hyperreal.art.pl>
Subject: Re: What was the quid pro quo for Wassenaar countries?
Message-ID: <19981207003454.25653.rocketmail@send104.yahoomail.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

As Karl Marx said also, "Democracy is a slow form of communism." 
That's why the forfathers decided to make us a republic, something
many have forgotten.  

---HyperReal-Anon <nobody@sind.hyperreal.art.pl> wrote:
> "Phillip Hallam-Baker" <hallam@ai.mit.edu> writes
>    John Gilmore may be right, but remember folks that in Europe we
>    have this thing the Greeks invented called democracy. One of the
>    ideas of democracy is that decisions are not made in secret closed
>    meetings.
> Yes, and people democratically demand government enforcement of the
> majority will, something made more difficult if the subjects have
> strong cryptography.
> As Donn Parker observed several years ago, strong cryptography is
> inconsistent with democracy.  (Published in Scientific American ---
> reference on request.)
> John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com> writes
>    Some countries actually seem to care what their citizens think
>    about their crypto laws, unlike the shining example of democracy,
>    the USSA.  And when we educate the citizens, they tend to make the
>    right choices.  Let's keep trying.
> But don't educate them too much, or they will understand that
> cryptography can set people free, and if people were free there would
> be no political government, and if there were no political government
> their social security checks would stop coming, along with all their
> other government ``benefits''.

Ogre bounces like sonar. . .Peace.

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