1994-04-19 - Re: Warrentless Search

Header Data

From: Jeremy Cooper <jeremy@crl.com>
To: Tom Allard <m1tca00@frb.gov>
Message Hash: c901c62d007fac097d057fbcac0fe84fafcfc284bd4754bbc6b1fe2c5e1426a1
Message ID: <Pine.3.87.9404191352.A13784-0100000@crl2.crl.com>
Reply To: <9404191909.AA25916@mass6.FRB.GOV>
UTC Datetime: 1994-04-19 20:17:31 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 13:17:31 PDT

Raw message

From: Jeremy Cooper <jeremy@crl.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 13:17:31 PDT
To: Tom Allard <m1tca00@frb.gov>
Subject: Re: Warrentless Search
In-Reply-To: <9404191909.AA25916@mass6.FRB.GOV>
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9404191352.A13784-0100000@crl2.crl.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Stanley Milgraine experiments:
>   Subjects were told they were participating in a "learning" study,
>   and a confederate was strapped into a chair and electrodes were
>   attached (the subject did not know that the confederate was always
>   in the chair and was led to believe that they could have been in
>   the chair).  The subject is then taken to an adjacent room and the
>   confederate is given tasks to perform.  When the confederate made
>   an error, the subject was instructed to administer an electric shock,
>   with increasing voltage as the study progressed.
>   The results were astounding.  ALL subjects continued to administer
>   shocks after the confederate began screaming from the other room.
>   When he began kicking at the wall, some subjects would stop.  Most
>   (90%, I believe) would continue when the examiner would tell them
>   that the study would be invalidated if they refused.
>   A follow-up study explained the details of the study to new subjects.
>   They were told about the confederate and let in on the "secret", and
>   then asked how far they would've gone if they were the subject (they
>   were not told the actual results).  NONE of the subjects said they
>   would have continued with the experiment through the end, even though
>   75% (I believe) of the real subjects did.

This is a little confusing, could you please repost it without so many 
ambiguous pronouns? (like 'they' in the fourth line of paragraph 1 
for example)

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