1995-12-12 - Re: anti-copy

Header Data

From: Jiri Baum <jirib@sweeney.cs.monash.edu.au>
To: turner@TeleCheck.com
Message Hash: fc4ef8170f47e25a859ac8e67d82c04da8fb380f15939c63755111ca7aee3580
Message ID: <199512121152.WAA13728@sweeney.cs.monash.edu.au>
Reply To: <9512112112.AA03120@mercury.telecheck.com>
UTC Datetime: 1995-12-12 11:52:55 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 12 Dec 95 03:52:55 PST

Raw message

From: Jiri Baum <jirib@sweeney.cs.monash.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 95 03:52:55 PST
To: turner@TeleCheck.com
Subject: Re: anti-copy
In-Reply-To: <9512112112.AA03120@mercury.telecheck.com>
Message-ID: <199512121152.WAA13728@sweeney.cs.monash.edu.au>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Hello cypherpunks@toad.com (Cypherpunks Mailing List)
  and turner@TeleCheck.com
turner wrote: 
> futplex@pseudonym.com said:
> >> Daark writes: How would it be possible to create files that KNOW they 
> >> are  a copy?  
> would be to have itself figure out what track/sector it is on and inject
Defraggers, anyone?
> To summarize, its possible (under _some_ operating systems), but it is 
> not a good solution to the problem.

How about if you control the operating system and everything, is
it then possible to demonstrate that you don't have other copies?
(Ie escrow agent is able to prove to customer that info destroyed.)

Presumably this would be based on QM, EPR 'paradox' or something like that.
I've read about something called "Quantum Eraser", but I don't know
whether that could be used to store useful info (the vague description
was from an "isn't time weird" viewpoint and erased boring stuff).

Anybody better in QM?

However, I don't think that you'll be able to provide "only one copy",
because once that copy is received and read once the recipient can
recreate it.

Hope I'm making sense...

- --
If you want an answer, please mail to <jirib@cs.monash.edu.au>.
On sweeney, I may delete without reading!
PGP 463A14D5 (but it's at home so it'll take a day or two)
PGP EF0607F9 (but it's at uni so don't rely on it too much)

Version: 2.6.2i

