From: Rich Graves <>
Message Hash: 35557d832609f7c474e10efd2eda434e1e019e92146829bd05710b2f7c2349b0
Message ID: <Pine.GUL.3.93.960603204158.28894B-100000@Networking.Stanford.EDU>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-06-04 07:19:33 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 15:19:33 +0800
From: Rich Graves <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 15:19:33 +0800
Subject: [NOISE] failed 592:33033 FYI
Message-ID: <Pine.GUL.3.93.960603204158.28894B-100000@Networking.Stanford.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
The official result, including the votetaker's explanation for the
extraordinary delay (which makes interesting reading), is in
news.announce.newgroups, Message-ID <>. Or for
people who only use Netscape:
While I think I was one of the people presenting legitimate reasons for
voting no (as opposed to all the "VOTE NO ON NAZIS!" -- see news.groups
archives), I'm actually disappointed that there were only 592 yes votes. I'd
have expected more than the estimated 400 anti-censorship and spam-annoyance
I would urge people NOT to download the 3MB list of votes, as I haven't,
because the vast majority of voters had no clue what they were voting on.
The majority probably thought it was a secret ballot.
The poor votetaker definitely deserves a medal, but PLEASE don't send him
appreciative mail; he's getting far too much already.
Sent separately to fight-censorship and cypherpunks. Followup discussion, if
any, belongs in news.groups ONLY.
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1996-06-04 (Tue, 4 Jun 1996 15:19:33 +0800) - [NOISE] failed 592:33033 FYI - Rich Graves <>