From: jim bell <>
To: Remo Pini <
Message Hash: ae2716205fe98782cee1ddc35bb5745c0181a9b5cb7b1e087ab4468b087c507b
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-21 08:38:18 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 16:38:18 +0800
From: jim bell <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 16:38:18 +0800
To: Remo Pini <
Subject: RE: ABC news on Internet Telephony
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
At 12:37 AM 7/21/96 +0200, Remo Pini wrote:
>>A single central office has many times the bandwidth of the widest
>>part of the internet, and the average state has hundreds of CO's.
>>If even a small portion of the Internets current users tried
>>placing a call things would grind to a halt. A huge increase in the
>>number of backbones and their bandwidth would solve this, but who
>>will pay the bill?
>I guess Internet-telephony is one of the bandwidth killers.
Potentially. However, there has been some mention of a new standard for
voice compression that puts voice into 2400 bits per second, a factor of
about 25 lower than the phone company normally uses. (They use 8,000 samples
per second at 8 bits per sample, companded.) At that rate, a pair of
modern, 2.4 Gb/s fibers could handle 1 million simultaneous phone calls.
Since some of the newer fiber systems put 8 or more separate channels down a
single fiber, that would work out to 8 million conversations.
I have to conclude that we shouldn't even be close to running out of
Internet capacity, _IF_ it were driven by state-of-the-art fiber and
similar-speed switches. But it probably isn't. At best, Internet probably
only gets a fraction of the capacity of a given fiber wherever it flows.
This will have to change.
>>Sometime ago the discussion was on the cost of laying new fiber,
>>may I suggest the realworld heuristic of "a million dollars a
>There are of course a lot of alternatives:
In most cases, "new fiber" isn't needed, and will probably only be rarely
needed on long-distance links. As I understand it, most cableways are laid
with extra tubes, into which new fiber cables can be blown in (using
compressed air) long after the trench is filled. The specific example I
saw, there were three 2" diameter tubes in a larger tube, and according to
the contractor (I asked...) only one of the tubes would be filled at that
time. In addition, while he wasn't sure, he thought that at least some of
the 36-fiber cable in that one tube would remain "dark," or unused until it
was later needed.
I don't know how expensive it is to add that extra fiber cable into an
existing tube, but it would be VASTLY cheaper than the original trenching
operation. Further, much of the improved transmission technology can be
used on the older fibers to increase their capacity: A fiber now used to
transmit a single 2.4 gigabit signal can be upgraded, simply using new
channelized transmitters and receivers to increase the data rate to 8 or 16
times the previous rate.
Jim Bell
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