From: Robert Hettinga <>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-08-21 05:58:28 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 13:58:28 +0800
From: Robert Hettinga <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 13:58:28 +0800
Subject: Re: CIA Contra Crack and LA Gangs (fwd)
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At 5:13 PM -0400 8/20/96, Brad Dolan wrote:
> p.s. Donna Rice has lately been running point for a regulate-the-internet
> front group. I wouldn't put anything past her.
Which reminds me of a story.
First, however, a joke, which in hindsight taught me about the propagation of information across geodesic networks, that is, capital market trading rooms, long before I had ever heard of either Peter Huber or geodesic networks.
To wit,
Q: What did Donna Rice say to the press when they caught her leaving Gary Hart's house?
A: She said she was taking a poll. <"Pole", get it? Hyuk!>
The reason I remember this paragon of modern political humor is that I heard it no more the 30 minutes after the story broke on the AP wire machine in the Morgan Stanley branch where I was clerking at the time. I heard the joke from trading assistant, who in turn had heard it over the "hoot & holler" line which wired Morgan's various trading desks together with a bunch of permanently open-miked full-duplex speakerphones. The joke originated somewhere else, and was probably told to someone at Morgan's New York office over a direct "ring-down" line linking one company's trading desk to another.
I thought at the time that someone should do a study of the velocity of information flow in the markets, using jokes as information proxies. I've since outgrown such foolishness, though I keep expecting to hear about someone's Ph.D thesis on the topic someday. :-).
But, of course, that's not the story I *wanted* to tell. *This* one, of course, has absolutely no crypto relevance whatever...
All these conspiracy theories about Donna Rice and George Bush got me to remember something. Brian Smith, who shot that famous Pulitzer-winning(!) picture of Gary Hart with Ms. Rice seated on his lap and the "Monkey Business" lifering in the background, was a friend of mine at Missouri.
Clever boy, Brian was. When he graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism (Missouri's most famous, er, "professional" school [God help us all], with alums like Carl Rowan, and Dan Rather, and John Chancellor, etc.), he managed to produce, out from under his graduation robes, his entire motor-driven Nikon SLR outfit, complete with strobe apparatus, and took a series of pictures of himself graduating, right down to the handshake from Van Gorton Sauter, the President of CBS News.
I always wondered what that masonic pyramid, with the eyeball on top, was doing tattooed on Brian's forehead. Now I know. Beware the Illuminati.
Bob Hettinga
Robert Hettinga (
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"'Bart Bucks' are not legal tender."
-- Punishment, 100 times on a chalkboard,
for Bart Simpson
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