1996-08-14 - Whoa there, speederpunks! WAS: Police prepair stunning end..

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From: cjs@netcom.com (cjs)
To: jimbell@pacifier.com (jim bell)
Message Hash: d722ff5f6fdf335b8cc47defcd9175cca791856c697ea8732ed7608c0aa37a6f
Message ID: <199608140140.SAA28926@netcom21.netcom.com>
Reply To: <199608131643.JAA19738@mail.pacifier.com>
UTC Datetime: 1996-08-14 04:28:03 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 12:28:03 +0800

Raw message

From: cjs@netcom.com (cjs)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 12:28:03 +0800
To: jimbell@pacifier.com (jim bell)
Subject: Whoa there, speederpunks! WAS: Police prepair stunning end..
In-Reply-To: <199608131643.JAA19738@mail.pacifier.com>
Message-ID: <199608140140.SAA28926@netcom21.netcom.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Whoa there, speederpunks!

I've let a couple of these messages go past me without comment, but I
think I'd like to throw in a couple cents on this one.

1) I'd like to assure y'all, as someone who has had a run in with a
   couple bad alternators, that loosing electrical power will not 
   cause you to go careening off the side of the road.

   Granted, you might be a in fix if your a nine year old kid running
   from the cops in a '64 volvo, or some other arian super-car, and the
   power steering went out. But if that were to ever happen, it would be
   because you ran over a few curbs at ludicrus speed -- not because
   Johnny Flatfoot hosed ya down with an EM cannon.

2) Someone was curious why they don't just throw some high voltage
   cables across road and wait for the fire works. Well, this is a
   no-brainer too. In order for that to work, you sorta have to get me
   to do two things 1) drive down your street and 2) drive over your
   wires. Assuming that I have a reson for not being caught, I might
   not be too cooperative at doing that either. And of course the last
   consideration is that the guy putting down the wires might not get
   out of the way fast enough -- y'all come down to texas and ask the
   armadillo's why thats a problem.

3) It is really pointless to bicker about this. To quote from a not so
   popular Mark Hamel flick, "Radio, kid. Faster then rubber." Use the
   force, luke.

4) I would think that y'all would be happy that someone is doing all
   the tough work of constructing these devices. I think we all know
   that the first space cadet to haul one of these things into Kabrini
   Park is gonna loose it. From there its just a matter of time until
   every speed racer has one of these "inventions" mounted on his car
   and junior is wanting to order one from the 'Amazing Devices' ad in
   the back of Popular Science (in fact, I think you already can).

   From there, I think that a practical and portable EM cannon could
   become the HOT urban warfare weapon of the next decade. Bonnie and
   Clyde are going to look like amateurs when any rank and file with a
   mortage can buzz the bank and take them off-line for a day. Not to
   mention what you could do to a hospital, police station, air plane,
   traffic signal, grocery store, U-FO, and anything else that uses 1s 
   and 0s. All safely and anonymously I might add -- a concealed EM 
   cannon isn't gonna draw any attention, even when you fire it.

Thats my two cents,
Bye y'all.

