1997-03-19 - Re: Market Failures, Monocultures, and Dead Kids (Oh My!)

Header Data

From: camcc@abraxis.com (Alec)
To: “William H. Geiger III” <whgiii@amaranth.com>
Message Hash: 53098e9794fe1cae4023f7b83fda195e669e5ed1a5b9e7b57c4c44ec21cccf18
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <199703182356.XAA02032@mailhub.amaranth.com>
UTC Datetime: 1997-03-19 14:04:39 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 06:04:39 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: camcc@abraxis.com (Alec)
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 06:04:39 -0800 (PST)
To: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com>
Subject: Re: Market Failures, Monocultures, and Dead Kids (Oh My!)
In-Reply-To: <199703182356.XAA02032@mailhub.amaranth.com>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


At 12:42 AM 3/19/97 -0600, you wrote:

*|>Parents most certainly are not the only ones to determine the welfare of
*|>their children; society has assumed a significant role and typically moves
*|>to protect the child from the parents or from the _beliefs_ of the

*|Just because the government subverts the RIGHTS of the parents does not
*|mean that the parents do not have those rights.
*|A parent is the sole person who has a *RIGHT* to determine the welfair of
*|their childern. You do not have that right, I do not have that right, the
*|government does not have that right. To beleive that the government should
*|"protect" a child from the beliefs of its parents is truly
*|FASISTS/COMMUNIST/STATIST (pick you flavor they are all the same <G>).
*|I as a parent have the sole right to determine what religon to teach my
*|children, how to rase my children, how to teach my children, how to reward
*|my children and how to punish my children PERIOD.
*|Perhaps you should take your STATIST tendicies over to alt.hitler.fanclub
*|as they are quite out of place here.
*|"When the wants of society override the rights of the individule that
*|society must die" -- whgiii

Dear whgiii,

Children are, also, possessors of certain inalienable rights. 

Parents have certain _privileges_ in regard to their children which others do
not have; if the parents abuse the _rights_ which their children possess
solely by  virtue of being humans and citizens, the state is obligated to
intervene on behalf of the child--a citizen. In just the same way that if I
were to threaten or batter you (or visa versa) the state would interpose
itself to protect me.

_With reservations_ I grant you parents have _great_ leeway in the areas of
religious training, education, medical care, general child rearing
(punishment/reward). When parents overstep either by action or neglect,
society intervenes.

I _understand_ your point that in an ideal society the government would not
intervene. At this point, though, we don't seem to be there.


What's the point of the following? Discourse is healthy in an open system.
Why the exclusion?

*|Perhaps you should take your STATIST tendicies over to alt.hitler.fanclub
*|as they are quite out of place here.

Version: 4.5

