1997-08-13 - sendhotmail, version 1.3

Header Data

From: iang@cs.berkeley.edu (Ian Goldberg)
To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
Message Hash: 7f1b7a6eb99ce7f8f2778834de8c69962baf0443a2b3e3e90d9e73074a881bee
Message ID: <5stde6$tdc$1@abraham.cs.berkeley.edu>
Reply To: <19970807192254.40.qmail@zipcon.net>
UTC Datetime: 1997-08-13 22:55:43 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 06:55:43 +0800

Raw message

From: iang@cs.berkeley.edu (Ian Goldberg)
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 06:55:43 +0800
To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
Subject: sendhotmail, version 1.3
In-Reply-To: <19970807192254.40.qmail@zipcon.net>
Message-ID: <5stde6$tdc$1@abraham.cs.berkeley.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

And here's 1.3.  It uses the same config file as 1.2.


o fixes a bug involving + in email addresses
o handles continuation headers properly
o Can be used as a drop-in replacement for sendmail (though it may get confused
  if you pass weird sendmail options); it will keep trying random hotmail
  accounts and proxies until it succeeds in delivering the mail.  Note that,
  depending on your connectivity, this can take a while...

   - Ian

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

## sendhotmail: pipe an RFC822 mail message into this, and it will send it
##              out from a hotmail account via an HTTP proxy
## Version 1.3: 19970813
## Program by Ian Goldberg <ian@cypherpunks.ca>

sub Usage {
    die "Usage: $0 -t | addr\@host ...\n";

## Check options
$cmdlineto = '';
while ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/o) {
    $_ = shift @ARGV;
    if ($_ eq "-t") {
	$cmdlineto = '';
    } elsif ($_ eq "-f") {
	shift @ARGV;
    } else {
	## Ignore option
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
    $cmdlineto = join(", ", @ARGV);

use LWP;

$uadirect = new LWP::UserAgent;

## The filename of the configuration file
$configfile = '/home/iang/sendhotmail/config';

## Read the config file
open(CONFIG, $configfile) or die "Cannot open $configfile: $!\n";
while(<CONFIG>) {
    next if /^\s*$/o;
    next if /^\s*\#/o;
    next unless /^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$/o;
    $value = $2;
    $name = "\L$1\E";
    $name =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//iog;
    $config{$name} = $value;

sub escapetext {
    my $t = $_[0];
    $t =~ s/([\000-\037\200-\377\{\}\|\\\^\[\]\`\"\<\>\:\@\/\;\?\=\&\%\.\#\+])/"%".unpack('H2',$1)/eg;
    $t =~ s/ /+/g;

sub getaddrs {
    my @addrlist = split(/,\s*/, $_[0]);
    my ($a, $ra);
    my @r;

    foreach $a (@addrlist) {
	$ra = '';
	if ($a =~ /\<(.*?)\>/) {
	    $ra = $1;
	} else {
	    $a =~ s/\(.*?\)//g;
	    $a =~ s/\".*?\"//g;
	    $ra = $1 if $a =~ /(\S+\@\S+)/;
	push (@r, $ra) if $ra ne '';
    join(', ', @r);

## Parse the incoming mail.  We need to put the To, Cc, and Bcc headers
## into a simple format that hotmail can understand.

$header{'to'} = '';
$header{'subject'} = '';
$header{'cc'} = '';
$header{'bcc'} = '';
$curheader = '';
while(<STDIN>) {
    last if /^$/;
    if (/^\S/) {
	## Start a new header
	if (s/^To:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'to';
	    $header{'to'} .= ', ' if $header{'to'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Cc:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'cc';
	    $header{'cc'} .= ', ' if $header{'cc'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Bcc:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'bcc';
	    $header{'bcc'} .= ', ' if $header{'bcc'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Subject:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'subject';
	} else {
	    $curheader = '';
    if ($curheader ne '') {
	$header{$curheader} .= ' ' if $header{$curheader} ne '';
	$header{$curheader} .= $_;
## If we were given command-line addresses, that overrides the headers
$header{'to'} = &getaddrs($cmdlineto eq '' ? $header{'to'} : $cmdlineto);
$header{'cc'} = &getaddrs($cmdlineto eq '' ? $header{'cc'} : '');
$header{'bcc'} = &getaddrs($cmdlineto eq '' ? $header{'bcc'} : '');

$msg = &escapetext(join('', <STDIN>));

srand(time ^ $$);

## Keep trying until the message is successfully delivered
RETRYLOOP: while (1) {

## Get the proxy list
$proxylisturl = new URI::URL ($config{'proxylisturl'} ||
if (defined $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) {
    ## Check if the locally cached copy is new enough
    $maxage = $config{'proxylistcacheage'} || 1;
    if (! -e $config{'proxylistcachefile'} ||
	    -M $config{'proxylistcachefile'} > $maxage) {
	## Fetch a new copy
	$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $proxylisturl);
	$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
	$response = $uadirect->request($request);
	$body = $response->content;
	$newfname = $config{'proxylistcachefile'}.".new.$$";
	open(CACHE, ">$newfname") or die "Cannot write $newfname: $!\n";
	print CACHE $body;
	rename($newfname, $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) or
	    die "Cannot rename $newfname: $!\n";
    ## Read the proxy list
    open(CACHE, $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) or
	die "Cannot open $config{'proxylistcachefile'}: $!\n";
    @proxylist = grep (s/\n// && /^[^#]/, <CACHE>);
} else {
    ## Just fetch from the net
    $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $proxylisturl);
    $request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
    $response = $uadirect->request($request);
    @proxylist = grep (/^[^#]/, split("\n", $response->content));

@proxylist = ('secure.escape.ca:80') if $#proxylist == -1;

## Get the account list
if (defined $config{'accountlistfile'}) {
    open(ACC, $config{'accountlistfile'}) or
	die "Cannot open $config{'accountlistfile'}: $!\n";
    @accountlist = grep (s/\n// && /^[^#]/, <ACC>);

@accountlist = ('ldeliverer:xxxx') if $#accountlist == -1;

## Choose a proxy and account at random

$proxy = $proxylist[int rand ($#proxylist+1)];
($login, $passwd) =
    $accountlist[int rand ($#accountlist+1)] =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/;

#print STDERR "Trying $login through $proxy\n";

## Begin hotmail-specific magic

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->proxy('http', "http://${proxy}/");

$url = new URI::URL 'http://www.hotmail.com/cgi-bin/password.cgi';
$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');

$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;
$body =~ /\<\s*form\s+[^>]*action=\"(.*?)\"/io or next RETRYLOOP;

$url = new URI::URL $1, $url;
$body = $';
$body =~ s/\<\s*\/form\s*\>.*//;
$body =~ /\<\s*input\s+[^>]*name=\"disk\"\s+value(=\"(.*?)\")?/io or next RETRYLOOP;
$disk = $2 || "";

$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;

$body =~ /\<\s*area\s+[^>]*href=\"(\/cgi-bin\/compose.*?)\"/io or next RETRYLOOP;
$composeurl = new URI::URL $1, $url;
$body =~ /\<\s*area\s+[^>]*href=\"(\/cgi-bin\/logout.*?)\"/io or next RETRYLOOP;
$logouturl = new URI::URL $1, $url;

$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $composeurl);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;

$body =~ /\<\s*form\s+[^>]*action=\"(.*?)\".*?\>/io or next RETRYLOOP;
$url = new URI::URL $1, $composeurl;
$body = $';
$data = '';
while(1) {
    $body =~ /^\s*\<\s*input\s+type=\"?hidden\"?\s+name=\"(.*?)\"\s+value(=\"(.*?)\")?\s*\>/io or last;
    $name = $1; $value = $3 || ""; $body = $';
    $data .= $name."=".$value."&";
$data .= "to=$header{'to'}&subject=$header{'subject'}&cc=$header{'cc'}&bcc=$header{'bcc'}&body=${msg}&Send.x=1&Send.y=1";

$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;
$body =~ /\<\s*title\s*\>\s*Hotmail\s*-\s*Mailbox/io or next RETRYLOOP;

$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $logouturl);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
last RETRYLOOP;  ## Success
