1998-09-01 - Re: Is it true that PGP 5.X is not secure?

Header Data

From: Steve Bryan <sbryan@vendorsystems.com>
To: “Lars Weitze” <chromedemon@netcologne.de>
Message Hash: ceda4f6948b148d4b8240f835cd2a0bfaaf1d72609a27a494d0b6d582cb60dbd
Message ID: <v03102801b211b1210b7a@[]>
Reply To: <001001bdd5a0$b7cef800$7b0000c8@chrome>
UTC Datetime: 1998-09-01 14:20:37 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 07:20:37 -0700 (PDT)

Raw message

From: Steve Bryan <sbryan@vendorsystems.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 07:20:37 -0700 (PDT)
To: "Lars Weitze" <chromedemon@netcologne.de>
Subject: Re: Is it true that PGP 5.X is not secure?
In-Reply-To: <001001bdd5a0$b7cef800$7b0000c8@chrome>
Message-ID: <v03102801b211b1210b7a@[]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>Hash: SHA1
>There are still rumors about that...
>- --
>"One dead is a tragedy, thousand deads are a statistic."
>        Karl Marx
>e-mail: chromedemon@netcologne.de
>Version: PGP 5.5.5

Why pay attention to ill-supported rumors? The source code is publicly
available at www.pgpi.com. If there is a security issue then it can be
critiqued with reference to the places in the source code that are the
cause of the problem. If someone has done this, I haven't been paying close
enough attention and I apologize for ranting. If not, then I would dismiss
such claims as almost certainly baseless.

Steve Bryan
Vendorsystems International
email: sbryan@vendorsystems.com
icq: 5263678
pgp fingerprint: D758 183C 8B79 B28E 6D4C  2653 E476 82E6 DA7C 9AC5
