From: (Eric Hughes)
Message Hash: 061a51dd6a61fccf7a43e561a76a196df53622fdd86c5ad809e22c9def661392
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1994-12-28 02:38:02 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 27 Dec 94 18:38:02 PST
From: (Eric Hughes)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 94 18:38:02 PST
Subject: Re: Making sure a program gets to the receiver intact
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From: ( +1-510-484-6204)
The specific question is tampering of files on archive sites. The
larger issue is information, particularly software, distribution. My
position is that timestamping is a better solution than signatures for
the tampering issue and that both are useful for the larger issue.
Some good points, but on the whole I'll disagree. Either way, the solution
pretty much comes down to "eternal vigilance"....
Well, "eternal vigilance" is really "public information". Both the
timestamping problem and the signature problem resolve down the same
problem about secure _cleartext_ transmission. How do people gain an
assurance that they have the same shared piece of information?
The first advantage that timestamping has over signatures is that
timestamps are temporal and signatures are not. Private keys for
signatures change over time by design, but timestamp roots do not,
also by design. That is, once a timestamp root has been securely
transmitted, there is an assurance that everything up to that point is
OK. Spoofing a signature, however, can be done by spoofing a key
change; there are public information solutions to this as well, but
they still do not have temporal assurances.
The second advantage is the the timestamp roots are more widely shared
than individual public keys. Because more people look at this one
piece of information, it's much harder to completely forge. The cost
of verification is smaller per person, but there is much more total
verification performed.
The root keys in a certification hierarchy have the same property of
wide sharing, but the effect on public key distribution is not the
same. The creation of the timestamp root is a _technically_ linkage
of all the individual timestamps, while the root key of a certifying
authority creates _social_ links between the root key and the other
keys. The technical linkage is stronger.
The interesting technique that digital timestamping provides is that it
lets you show that the version you claim you posted to the ftp site
got there before the [different] version that's there now.
You can also post a public announcement, timestamped, which has the
location and the timestamp of the information and the archive. This
public announcement has public information properties as above.
To use that technique, either you need to broadcast the details of the
digital timestamping in an unhackable public fashion,
The "unhackable" nature is not even necessary to assume. All you need
is the ability to post public information with some non-zero
probability of success. Eventually the public information gets out.
The timestamp will indicate priority.
There's also the possibility of timestamping the entire directory tree
periodically. This is all publicly verifiable, so an interposer would
have to intercept the very first transmission and could not come along
later and perform undetectable corruption.
On the other hand, without signatures, it's not too hard for a Bad Guy
to store bogus files on the server and get them timestamped too -
Sure, that's the whole point. Any information protection, signatures
or timestamps, can simply be replicated. The timestamp algorithm
gives you a temporal ordering to distinguish between the two, which
signatures don't have.
On the other hand, I'll amplify Matt's point by pointing out that any
deployed mechanism to increase the difficulty and cost of information
subversion is better than what exists now, which is strictly ad hoc.
The integration issues of any public authentication system will be
difficult, regardless of the underlying mechanism.
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