1995-11-24 - Sun rumor [WAS Re: real life problems with ITAR (was Spam the Sign!)]

Header Data

From: Michael Froomkin <froomkin@law.miami.edu>
To: attila <attila@primenet.com>
Message Hash: 24636a0cd33cb48997275b107544dc7959a1cd38d9d6c9e594b685c8eab31dcc
Message ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951124152336.28283G-100000@viper.law.miami.edu>
Reply To: <Pine.BSD.3.91.951124073019.12402G-100000@usr4.primenet.com>
UTC Datetime: 1995-11-24 20:36:09 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 04:36:09 +0800

Raw message

From: Michael Froomkin <froomkin@law.miami.edu>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 04:36:09 +0800
To: attila <attila@primenet.com>
Subject: Sun rumor [WAS Re: real life problems with ITAR (was Spam the Sign!)]
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD.3.91.951124073019.12402G-100000@usr4.primenet.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951124152336.28283G-100000@viper.law.miami.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, attila wrote: [....]
>     the test is going to be with someone like Sun who "bought" a group of 
> Russian crypto programmers and left them in Russia.  Now, the problem 
> with ITAR is that if you import that code, you can not then export the 
> code since it is now covered by ITAR.

I've heard this story several times from many different people.  Anyone
have any evidence that it's true? (My friends at Sun say they haven't
heard the story, but don't work in the parts that would have necessarily
heard it.)

A. Michael Froomkin        | +1 (305) 284-4285; +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)
Associate Professor of Law | 
U. Miami School of Law     | froomkin@law.miami.edu
P.O. Box 248087            | http://www.law.miami.edu/~froomkin
Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA | It's warm here.
