1996-11-05 - Re: FW: Dr. Vulis is not on cypherpunks any more [RANT]

Header Data

From: Sandy Sandfort <sandfort@crl.com>
To: ichudov@algebra.com
Message Hash: cb9657d661ec199c72dcf7c0269c999e1d5fca17e7d5b861086b276273e99172
Message ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.961105094251.9423F-100000@crl.crl.com>
Reply To: <199611050657.AAA07260@manifold.algebra.com>
UTC Datetime: 1996-11-05 18:17:31 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 10:17:31 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: Sandy Sandfort <sandfort@crl.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 10:17:31 -0800 (PST)
To: ichudov@algebra.com
Subject: Re: FW: Dr. Vulis is not on cypherpunks any more [RANT]
In-Reply-To: <199611050657.AAA07260@manifold.algebra.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.961105094251.9423F-100000@crl.crl.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

                          SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On Tue, 5 Nov 1996 ichudov@algebra.com wrote:

> Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> > (b) Nobody on this list gave up any freedom.  And we are still 
> >     the beneficiaries of John's largesse, not his victims.
> So, you say that I still have the freedom to behave as Vulis did?
> I think not.

Of course Igor does.  As does Dimitri.  And John has the right 
to kick him off if he so desires.  What igor does not have--and 
never did have--was a right to arbitrarily use John's resources
contrary to John's wishes.

> > (c) Freedom has been defended not limited.  If Dimitri or even
> >     a majority of Cypherpunks could overrule Johns control of
> >     his own resources, then there would have been a loss of
> >     freedom with dangerous implications for us all. 
> No one is suggesting to overrule him. It is an attempt to persuade him.
> Your point is lost.

Perhaps Igor did not understand my point, or I did not make 
myself clear enough.  I was illustrating the only way someone's 
freedom could be lost given the current controversy.  

Ironically, giving Dimitri the boot has benefited the Cypherpunk
list in at least two ways.  It has vastly lowered the level of
ugly flames and personal attacks.  It has also provided us with 
a wonderful opportunity to explore such concepts as censorship,
freedom, rights and property.  I much prefer it when this list
is a forum for ideas rather than a outlet for spoiled tantrums
by the emotionally challenged.

 S a n d y

