1995-08-11 - Re: PRZ encrypted voice software release imminent

Header Data

From: shamrock@netcom.com (Lucky Green)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 8afaed1934f142688ac8417dda16c22c6bfa4ae2dd47f9037f502c57c771acda
Message ID: <199508110645.CAA29891@bb.hks.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1995-08-11 06:47:42 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 10 Aug 95 23:47:42 PDT

Raw message

From: shamrock@netcom.com (Lucky Green)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 95 23:47:42 PDT
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: PRZ encrypted voice software release imminent
Message-ID: <199508110645.CAA29891@bb.hks.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


In article <199508110254.TAA02204@netcom14.netcom.com>, vznuri@netcom.com
("Vladimir Z. Nuri") wrote:

>as if PRZ is not already enough of a folk hero....
>BTW, he has been beat by Nautilus, right? Nautilus
>is public domain, right? (I'm thinking of that public
>domain voice encryption released a few mos ago).
>I wonder if he is going to try to put a "spin" on this
>one to differentiate it from the other one. on the 
>other hand, just having his name on it is plenty of

I can't violate my NDA, but PGPFone will be a *major* revolution for
communication security. I would not be surprised to see several hundred
thousands of users. PGP will plale in comparison.

- -- 
- -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.
- ---
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