1995-12-08 - Re: Is there a lawyer in the house?

Header Data

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
To: unicorn@schloss.li (Black Unicorn)
Message Hash: 8bf307370dbeefe4d88ac637b9dcaeaeea86ed6f6a49b7261ac03176de7cffee
Message ID: <199512080227.SAA15534@infinity.c2.org>
Reply To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951207202351.6540B-100000@polaris.mindport.net>
UTC Datetime: 1995-12-08 02:31:50 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 18:31:50 PST

Raw message

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 18:31:50 PST
To: unicorn@schloss.li (Black Unicorn)
Subject: Re: Is there a lawyer in the house?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951207202351.6540B-100000@polaris.mindport.net>
Message-ID: <199512080227.SAA15534@infinity.c2.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> > You mean if you give me your key the police can get it from me without a
> > warrant? What if I don't want to give it up, and you don't? How would the
> > police get it without a warrant?
> Yes.  Unless it could be shown there their was an expactation of privacy 
> in the transfer, or that there was an understanding that you intended this 
> to be a confidential matter.  Or in the alternative, that the 

	I do not understand.

Alice has Alice gives Bob her key.  Cop wants Alice's key.  Cop tells
Bob "I want Alice's key, you need to give it to me. I don't have a

How is this different from
Bob has key. Cop want's Bob's key. Cop tells Bob "I want your key,
you need to give it to me. I don't have a warrant."

	sheesh, what a fucked up legal system.
sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
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