1997-12-04 - Re: Censorial leftists (Was: Interesting article)

Header Data

From: “William H. Geiger III” <whgiii@invweb.net>
To: James Love <love@cptech.org>
Message Hash: 45e0949504044d4ad0cf90b47a5fb39887a8a28e9e208817f65b855202da89b6
Message ID: <199712040950.EAA28589@users.invweb.net>
Reply To: <3485D7B7.E444A846@cptech.org>
UTC Datetime: 1997-12-04 10:02:32 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 18:02:32 +0800

Raw message

From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@invweb.net>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 18:02:32 +0800
To: James Love <love@cptech.org>
Subject: Re: Censorial leftists (Was: Interesting article)
In-Reply-To: <3485D7B7.E444A846@cptech.org>
Message-ID: <199712040950.EAA28589@users.invweb.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


In <3485D7B7.E444A846@cptech.org>, on 12/03/97 
   at 05:05 PM, James Love <love@cptech.org> said:

>Declan, apparently having missed the fab 50's, seems to be enjoying his
>use of the "leftist" word lately.  Since this seems to mean quite
>different things to different persons, perhaps Mr. McCullagh can define
>his terms.  What exactly is a "leftist" in 1997, in his opinion?

The Left-Right paradigm is hair splitting on which topics they use in
their FUD campaigns for greater power.

Typical Left FUD
Social Security
Universal Health Insurance
"It takes a village"
Global Warming
"Gay Rights"
Blah, Blah, Blah

Typical Right FUD
Family Values
War on Drugs
Blah, Blah, Blah

Quite often camps from both the Left and the Right will come together on
various issues. This can become confusing to some and blur the lines
between the two. Once one gets past the FUD spread by members of both
groups one realizes that both groups are STATIST and SOCIALIST. All the
bickering is not over the right and wrong of Unconstitutional State
intervention into the lives of the citizens but over who gets how much of
the pie and who to steal the pie from.

In thinking over the Libertarian Party Political diamond I find it to be
quit flawed. It makes the false assumption that state intervention in
personal matters is independent from state intervention in economic
matters. The two go hand in hand. I consider the following a better

         C   G  D P R                            L
Statist -|---|--|-|-|----------------------------|--------- Anarchist

C=Russin/Chineese Communism
N=German/Italian/Japanese Fascism

Positioning on the graph represents current party leadership philosophy.
Since these groups philosophies are so close you will find individual
members that will fall on either side of the parties plank but will rarely
fall very far away from it.

An intriguing side note: Libertarian != Anarchist. This is a distinction
that several members of this list have missed. Most Libertarians favor a
limited government kept on a short leash but are unwilling to go as far as
the anarchy of mob rule.

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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